Why You're Telling Little Lies and How to Stop

Why You're Telling Little Lies and How to Stop

06 Jul, 2023

You probably don't outright lie on a regular basis. But, do you exaggerate? Do you give half truths sometimes, or leave things unclear on purpose? Do you hide some facts in order to smooth things over?

Today, Fr. Mike shows us the very-human reasons we all struggle with these "white lies", and how to tell the "full" truth more often.

"Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil." —Jesus in Matthew 5:37

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The mission of Christoval Spiritual Retreat is to restore, transform, grow and forever ignite the internal flame that Jesus Christ has instilled in all of us. We have created an environment where you have distanced yourself from the way of the world and have united yourself to the true way of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. “God above all things”!